Remote tank monitoring is used in a wide variety of industries such as agriculture, public infrastructure and works, petroleum, manufacturing and chemicals, and is simply concerned with gathering various information, by use of wireless technology, from tanks holding various substances. Substances can be gas, such as natural gas or propane; oil, petroleum, gasoline; chemicals of all sorts; water; and many more. The tank monitoring serves a wide variety of uses, including inventory management, security, safety and maintenance issues.
Very often tanks serving various types of industry are located in places which no technician can easily reach or perhaps can not reach at all. In the case of tanks used in the petroleum industry or natural gas industry, tanks are often located underground, in very remote areas or far below ocean surfaces. Tank monitoring via wireless technology is not existent out of convenience, but more often than not, simply out of necessity.
Inventory And Replenishment
Remote tank monitoring can be used in relation to inventory management and replenishment and the resupply of goods to various tanks. Whether it be oil companies distributing oil to various tan enclosures throughout its network, to refilling tanks at service stations, or in agriculture refilling tanks with grain, this can all be done by this monitoring which can deliver information on levels and inventory. This ensures inventory is not depleted and that proper in stock is maintained and forecasting and delivery times can be predicted.
Very often these tanks carry dangerous substances and there will be many safety levels and measures attached to the substance. The tank monitoring can deliver information and allow users to see if temperature levels are being maintained, if pressure, in the case of gases and other substances, is proper, if substances are depleting without reason, possibly indicating a leak.
Very often these tanks can pose a risk to public safety and by constantly having information pertaining to all safety measures, the likelihood of an accident occurring is minimized. The environment, well-being and financial damage can be felt incredibly hard by the company and the community it might affect and it benefits all to make sure safety is adhered to.
Remote tank monitoring can also indicate if any maintenance is needed. Pressure levels which are out of whack can indicate various mechanism, seals, gauges might need to be serviced; the loss of inventory or material without recorded use and selling might indicate a leak or improper recording; measuring the elements or parts of various chemicals might indicate that solutions are not being properly mixed; the distribution of water at unexplained low levels might indicate mechanical issues. Tank monitoring can provide vast amounts of information which can allow technicians to resolve any mechanical issue or failure quickly.
Remote tank monitoring is used for a wide variety of purposes on various tanks throughout various industries to ensure that all inventory levels are maintained, that all mechanical issues are addressed, that all safety measures are being adhered to and it also allows for improvements to various existing systems.